thème : international
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samedi 13 septembre 2008 à 15h

2 parties : 1 2

Rassemblement des Américains Contre La Guerre

Veillé de l'association Americans Against War (AAW) devant la fontaine St Michel à Paris

Samedi, 13 septembre 2008, 15h à 17h,,

AAW France manifeste son opposition à la politique étrangère des Etats Unis et sa doctrine de "Guerre Permanente".

Source :

NEXT AAW Anti-War Protest Vigil

AAW Anti-War Protest Vigil in solidarity with:
The WAR RESISTERS SUPPORT CAMPAIGN “STOP the Deportations of US War Resisters living in CANADA!

Saturday, September 13, 2008 from 3pm to 5pm

At the fountain at St. Michel.

AAW France demonstrates its opposition to US foreign policy and its doctrine of permanent war on the second and fourth Saturday of each month from 3pm to 5pm unless another Anti-War event is planned elsewhere in Paris.

Source :

Source: message reçu le 5 sep 09:38

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