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mercredi 1er juin 2016 à 14h

Les femmes de réconfort de l'empire japonaise

Continuing Denial of the Victimization of Women:
Japan's military sex slaves in World War II


Dans le cadre du groupe de recherche Réflexion sur la violence de masse du CERI

En partenariat avec le Centre d'Histoire de Sciences Po et le programme PRESAGE-OFCE

Avec :

Yuki Tanaka, Research Professor, Hiroshima Peace Institute, Hiroshima City University

Yuki Tanaka will describe the systematic sexual enslavement of women (the so called "comfort women system") that was operated in Asia by the Japanese Imperial Forces during the Asia-Pacific War between 1931 and 1945 . He will examine the distinctive characteristics of this system, comparing it with violence against women committed by forces of other nations, such as Germany and the U.S. during World War II and the post-war occupation period. He will also discuss the history of the movement that denies the existence of the Japanese military sex slave system and examine its roots in gender relations.

Discussant : Elissa Mailänder, Associate Professor, Sciences Po-CHSP

Chair: Karoline Postel-Vinay, Senior Research Fellow, Sciences Po-CERI

Responsables scientifiques: Claire Andrieu (Sciences Po-CHSP & CERI), Ariel Colonomos (Sciences Po-CERI), Riva Kastoryano (Sciences Po-CERI), Elissa Maïlander (Sciences Po-CHSP), Mario del Pero (Sciences Po-CHSP), Karoline Postel-Vinay (Sciences Po-CERI)

Sciences Po-CERI: 56, rue Jacob 75006 Paris (salle de conférences)

Inscription obligatoire en cliquant sur ce lien :

Nathalie Tenenbaum
Responsable de la communication scientifique
Scientific communications manager

Lien : https://paris.demosphere.net/rv/48166
Source : http://tendanceclaire.org/breve.php?id=19017