thème : international
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mardi 3 décembre 2013 à 19h

Conférence « One State for One Land »

AFPS Sciences Po

The two states solution used to be claimed as the only realistic solution. However, if one looks at the maps of « Israel »- »Palestine », dislocation of the territory is blatant. Moreover, Gaza's jurisdiction is not event the same as the West Bank's one. Further, the West-Bank is not even homogenous since the Oslo agreements which has divided the West Bank into three parts. (Areas A (fully palestinian = 18% of the West Bank) B (Shared management = 22%) -C (fully israeli = 60%). Therefore, maybe there is another possibility to solve the situation ?

Indeed, the one state solution has been undermined in France, but it is still relevant in the intellectual debate in other countries such as the United Kingdom. Further, it is defended by Israelis and Palestinians on the ground.

To discuss this, we invite :

  • Eyal Sivan, co-wrote " Un Etat Commun" (A Common State) with Eric Hazan, french writer. Eyal Sivan will tackle the history of the one State solution.
  • Umar al-Ghubari, who is involved in the israeli association Zochrot, which seeks to rise awareness over the Nakba (palestinian massacre and expulsion form their land in 1948). He is responsible for the "Landscape & Space" branch of the association. He will expose the different possibilities for the implementation of one State solution on the ground.

La conférence est en anglais.

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