thème : sexisme
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vendredi 19 juillet 2013 à 15h

Journée internationale

contre l'abus et l'assassinat des travailleuses du sexe

"En coordination avec ICRSE, le Comite International pour les Droits des Travailleur-ses sexuel-les en Europe, le Strass et Acceptess-T organisent une manifestation devant les embassades turques, suedoises et italiennes le Vendredi 19 Juillet a 3h.

D'autres manifestations auront lieu a Berlin, Londres, Edinburgh, Macedonie ....

Texte en anglais ci dessous :

The International Commitee on the Rights of Sex Workers in Europe is calling all its members organisations, individuals, sex workers and allies to stand together and protest the recent murders of Jasmine and Dora, the violent attack against Ela and against all sex workers in Europe and worldwide.

Protests in front of turkish, swedish, italian embassies - friday 19th of july - 3PM.

Violence against sex workers must stop.

Turkey and Sweden were, this week, the stage of violent murders of sex workers - but the violence is constant and three sex workers were murdered in Italy since beginning of the year. In France, Kassandra and Karima were murdered and committed suicide.

We are calling all our friends and families, to protest against systemic transphobic murders and violence in Turkey and worldwide. Dora, trans sex worker was killed this week; Ela, another trans sex worker in turkey got shot; her arm unlikely to function again. Dora is the 31st transgender victims of violent and deadly attack since 2008 in Turkey.

We are calling all our friends and families to protest the Swedish model that took away the children of Jasmine and gave the custody to her violent ex-husband who finally murdered her. Social workers and the Swedish state refused to listen to Jasmine. Why listening to a sex worker who don't know what is good for her? That criminal system cost Jasmine her life.

In every country in Europe and around the world, sex workers are being murdered because our lives are seen are less worthy than others. We are not full citizens and this state discrimination justify the stigma and violence we suffer. It is time to say NO to all violence against sex workers! NO to silencing our voices, NO to taking away our children! NO to attacks, rape and murders!!

Protests will happen in many countries around the world on Friday the 19th of July at 3 pm. We encourage ICRSE members and all organisations and individuals to set up demonstration, protests, actions in front of Turkish, Swedish, Italian embassies, demos between them or in front of other symbolic places.

We wll update this page with info about the protests, ICRSE press release, pictures you might need etc.... If you need help in any way , ask on the page and amybe someone can offer support.

In solidarity"

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Source : message reçu le 15 juillet 17h